Office and Accounts Administrator

Katia Moulay

Office Phone

+33 4 93 34 13 94

Golfe-Juan Office

B51 La Capitainerie
Port Camille Rayon

Hi, I’m Katia Moulay, an Accounts Manager. In my current role, I oversee the financial aspects of yacht operations, managing budgets, handling invoicing, and nurturing relationships with suppliers and ports. Collaboration with yacht managers is key to ensuring seamless operations while keeping expenses aligned with budgets.

Looking ahead, I’m eager to deepen my understanding of the yachting industry and enhance my skills in finance and accounts for continued professional development.

My Past
Before joining the yachting world, I spent over a decade in the fashion sector, gaining extensive experience across various departments such as Wholesale, E-commerce, Supply Chain, Logistics, Operations, Administration, and Retail. I've worked in vibrant cities like London, Paris, and Dubai, accumulating over five years of accounting experience along the way. Interestingly, in my earlier years, I harbored dreams of becoming a personal trainer on a yacht.

My Outside-office Life
Outside the office, I dedicate my free time to personal development, fitness, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

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