DPA, CSO, Safety & Security Manager

Aksel Huus

Office Phone

+1 954 990 6482

Cell Phone

+1 305 632 7674

Fort Lauderdale Office

2015 SW 20th Street Suite #100
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33315

My Present

Currently, I hold the roles as Manager Designated Parson Ashore (DPA) and Company Security Officer (CSO) at Fairport , where I am involved in ensuring safety, security, and environmental protection within the industry. My daily activities involve visiting and working closely with yachts, where I have the opportunity to interact with crew members and officers, gaining insights into their operations and addressing any concerns. Given the high turnover rate in this dynamic environment, I prioritize building strong relationships and fostering a culture of safety and compliance.

My Past

Reflecting on my career journey, I trace my beginnings to serving as deck crew and officer aboard various vessels, including dry cargo ships, bulk carriers, tankers, and hydrofoils engaged in international trade. Transitioning into the cruise industry, I assumed roles ranging from Chief Officer to Staff Captain and eventually Captain, working with leading cruise line companies. Subsequently, I moved ashore, taking on the role of Maritime Director and Designated Person, overseeing the implementation of ISM, ISPS, and STCW-95 training. Originating from Bergen, Norway, my trajectory led me to Fort Lauderdale, propelled by the opportunities afforded by the cruise and yachting industries.

Fast Fact

Amidst the milestones and achievements along my career path, one stands out as particularly significant: the establishment of my own company nearly three decades ago. This endeavor not only embodies my entrepreneurial spirit but also serves as a testament to the lessons learned and experiences gained, shaping my journey and fueling my aspirations for the future.

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