Posted November 24, 2017
SYM Managing Director, Ben Young was one of around 100 cyclists to take part in this year’s 6th annual Champagne and Oyster Cycling Club (C.O.C.C.) charity bike ride
The ride took place on Sunday 30th April 2017 and covered an impressive 145kms in the saddle between St. Tropez and Monaco in aid of the Princess Charlene of Monaco foundation.
The funds raised from this event help in the development and growth of an awareness program on water safety and the risks of drowning and to help children to swim. A frightening statistic is that drowning is the 3rd leading cause of unintentional injury/death worldwide accounting for 7% of all injury related deaths..
Several programs are now up and running and these can be seen on the foundation’s website – http://fondationprincessecharlene.mc
Well done to everyone involved with this fantastic charity !
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