Captain talking to the crew through the radio while navigating yacht

Safety, Illness, and Incident Reporting & Workplace Complaint Process

Your yacht's Flag mandates that all seafarers must know about

  • Reporting procedures for ACCIDENTS, INJURY, and ILLNESS, with certain incidents requiring mandatory reporting to the Flag Administration.
  • Procedures for addressing COMPLAINTS related to health and safety concerns, covering employment conditions and onboard living and working conditions.
  • All complaint/injury/incident documentation must be supplied to the captain and authorized representative.
  • The Harassment Policy.
  • The Drug & Alcohol Policy.

The procedures and policies aim to:

  • Quickly inform others for prompt assistance.
  • Document events while memories are fresh and as soon as possible.
  • Ensure seafarers are aware they are required to notify their Head of Department (HOD) or Captain.
  • Ensure the Captain or Medical Person in Charge notifies shore-based support and the Employer.
  • Ensure the Captain and MPIC are familiar with the vessel’s health insurance policy, including who
    to contact and steps required for medical care, including evacuation if necessary.
  • Ensure the seafarer and captain are aware that all documentation in the form of doctor notes, medical report forms, fit-for-duty advice etc. must be supplied in full.


Accident, Injury & Illness

If a Seafarer experiences an injury, suspected injury, or illness that may require time off, light duties, or isolation, they must promptly report it.

  • Complete Form 09.FYS.999 – CREW or Guest – Injury Illness Report. Additionally, the YACHT, under the responsibility of either MPIC, HOD, or the Captain, must report:
  • Complete Form 09.FYS.998 – VESSEL – Report of Crew or Guest Injury or Illness. (Appx B.)If the injury, illness, or illness results from an ACCIDENT, the Captain is responsible for:
    • Complete Form 09.FYS.971 – Accident/Near Miss/Incident Report. (Appx C.)*If you are a vessel using Manage My Vessel (MMV), the above forms are located in the Forms Module, and are required to be completed online. If you have a management or support contract ashore, reports must be sent to the shore authorized representative. Collect statements from witnesses for accidents or incidents as soon as possible after ensuring safety and initial care. Follow the Flag Administration’s requirements for reporting, including the specified time for filing. Ignoring these deadlines may impact the yacht’s compliance status. Most Flag Administrations provide a Confidential Medical Report form that needs to be completed and signed by the medical services provider. Use it when needed, keep it on board, and only send it to the Administration if requested. Any illness or illness requiring medical treatment and/or time off work requires a doctor’s note stating the nature of the illness/injury and the time off work and follow up treatment. The authorized representative reserves the right to request that you attend a doctor/facility of their choosing for a second opinion.


The following sample situations are examples of when to use the Complaint Procedure:
• If a seafarer has health or safety concerns about their employment, including onboard living and working conditions.
• If a seafarer feels bullied or harassed (refer to Harassment Policy for more details).
• If you experience safety concerns or have issues with treatment during or after an injury while serving on a vessel, please promptly report them before escalation.
The Complaint Procedure ensures fair handling of complaints.
Follow these steps to file a complaint:
1. Report the complaint to the Head of Department or Superior Officer initially, either verbally or through a Letter of
a. The seafarer can be accompanied by another seafarer if desired.
b. Find the Letter of Complaint here. (Appx D.)
2. Escalate the complaint up the chain of command on board until it’s resolved.
3. If not resolved, complete a Letter of Complaint, and submit it to the shore-based representative. It’s advisable to inform
the Captain if practical.
4. If the complaint persists, contact the Shipping Master at the Flag Administration.
a. It’s recommended to demonstrate that the procedure was followed, as required by the Seafarer’s Employment
The seafarer’s file includes records of raised grievances, responses from the Authorized Representative or Captain, actions taken,
and reasons for those actions.
Confidentiality about a grievance will be maintained by the Authorized Representative during an investigation if they believe it’s
necessary to preserve confidentiality while respecting the seafarer’s statutory rights.

Flowchart for onboard complaint procedure

Flowchart for onboard complaint procedure